Today’s Attire: Pajamas
Justification for outfit: The attire is perfect for my mood.
PJ’s are not meant to be worn outside the home. I wear them for comfort and for
staying in. Based on the way I feel I don’t have any
intentions of leaving the house.
Battling Issues:
Before I start this blog, I need to preface this with a few
statements. This might upsetting
and I’m sorry for that. This blog
isn’t going to be a positive one. I’m not looking for advice at this moment in
time. And I really don’t want people to make statements to try and give me
perspective. Meaning, please don’t
say things like “at least you’re this”, or “or at least you have that” “or at
least you’re employed”. All this
does is minimize my feelings and make me feel guilty for being unhappy despite
the good things in my life. That doesn’t help me. I realize that other people
in the world have bigger problems than me. And I don’t mean to sound like a
spoiled brat, but the bottom line is that I’m having a rough time. I write this blog to be informative, to
be therapeutic, and when I’m doing well, to entertain. At this beginning of this blog I said I
was going to be real. Here’s me
being real.
This is usually a pretty dark time for me going into the
holidays. I don’t have that warm
fuzzy feeling people get when the holidays approach. But the holidays blues are settling in a bit earlier than
normal for me. I’m usually good
through Halloween. And once Thanksgiving comes I start feeling really bad. Thanksgiving is the anniversary of my
father’s death. My father died in 1984, when I was 11. This is something that happened almost
28 years ago, but it still affects me. His birthday is in December. I love my father and I miss him very
much. Yes this was a long time
ago, but that sadness is something
that I still deal with. The grief sorta haunts me through the good
things. So I deal with this. Yes, I’ve seen a therapist about this, but nothing
stops sadness or bad feelings. It’s hard to deal with.
Work has been particularly hectic. The feeling of unproductiveness and the worry of a possible
layoff plagues me. I really do the best that I can do when I’m there. Sometimes
it gets to me. I care about things I shouldn’t care about. I’m not being paid
to manage anyone. But I see things that aren’t right, and I do my best to
correct or fix them, and then things happen and it’s upsetting. At work these
things bother me more recently:
People around me get rewarded for bad behavior
I get chastised for doing my job or trying to get it done
despite other people goofing off
People give me a hard time for being out for
illness still
People aren’t reliable when I need them to do something
Or they give me attitude when I do ask them to do something
that is their job
I’m constantly cleaning up after someone else’s mess
Office politics are really finally getting to me
Someone in my department acts like a child and it’s really
annoying because the powers that be think it’s OK and cute.
I realize things could be a lot worse. I like my job a lot.
I love the company I work for. But these issues along with my personal issues
are really getting to me.
My health is something that I’m still struggling with.
Despite all the things I went through leading up to my gallbladder surgery and
the recovery I’m still not feeling well. I don’t have any real symptoms that I
can head to the doctor for, but I’m not feeling well. And I don’t feel like
spending the money to say “hey I don’t know what it is, but I’m just not
feeling great”. I’m not sleeping
well again. I have nightmares. I
wake up feeling like I haven’t slept at all. I feel like my throat is hurts
like every other day and sometimes my voice feels like it wants to be have and
other times it doesn’t. I’m taking my vitamins, and my other daily medications
every day. I do get some physical activity in my life, I’m sure it’s not
enough, but it is better than nothing. I’m still going to my weekly Zumba
class. I do eat well. I watch what
I’m eating, as well as portion size. But despite all that, I keep the weight
on. I keep playing with the same 5 pounds since July.
The issue that has been affecting me the worse is poor body
image. Despite all my efforts to lose weight, and dress the body that I have, I
hate the way I look. I really hate the way I look. I hate mirrors. As I write
this, I feel the emotion heating up from the hatred that I have for my body,
face and hair. I am so angry with myself for looking the way that I do. When I
lost the weight the first time I swore I would never get this big again. I
screwed up. I gained it all back. I hate myself for letting this happen. Now as I battle a low thyroid, and I’m
facing down the gun of 40 years old and with all my efforts to lose the weight
I fail. I see a gross stomach,
horrible arms, and thighs and a fat face. And no matter what cute dress or
outfit I find, it doesn’t mask this truly ugly body that I have. My husband
does his best to convince me that he sees me as beautiful. No matter what size
I am. I think he’s nuts. I don’t see it. All I see is me putting on 15
different things in the morning or the evening and watching them not fit right.
Putting on a costume that was custom made for me and looking at my fat belly
despite wearing a waist cincher and body shaper make its appearance. Everyday
I’m faced with an extremely ugly fat girl in the mirror. And my efforts to make
her go away fail every time and it hurts me to the core of my being.
I know this all evidence of lingering depression. I’ve been
off antidepressants for months. I don’t want to go back on them. When I went
back on this last time, I never felt better on them. I never got any relief
from my issues. I just felt off.
Sometimes numb. But not good. Never OK. When I went off the meds the last time
and got through all the health issues in the spring and early summer I started
to feel OK. Never great. Just OK.
And OK was good enough at the time. Now I feel lousy, but I feel like it’s
seasonal. But I don’t know.
And then there’s the music stuff. And thinking about this
hurts my heart too. Pursuing the dream of being a singer has really not helped
any of these situations. I feel
like all my efforts seem to fall flat with this. I work hard at improving my skills. I practice, I work with
vocal coach, I sing regularly at karaoke.
People hear me sing and they think I’m amazing. I go on auditions, I
pass out business cards, I submit myself for things that might be a good fit
for me, but nothing comes of it. Then I hear comments like “Why aren’t singing
professionally? Why aren’t you in a band? You’re so much better than people we
seen on the American Idol. I hope
you’re doing something with that voice!” But the sad there is nothing. I work
with a project that seems to be on hold right now. My last audition got cancelled,
not postponed they cancelled it. When I look through the ads for vocalist they
specify “must not be heavy” “Must be hot” “Must sound like Beyonce,
Rihanna” “Must be under 25” It’s so frustrating, because I’m not
anything of these things. I’m just a girl, with a big voice, who likes to sing
rock. I don’t want to be a jazz, gospel or R&B singer. Yes I can sing these
styles but it’s not what I want to do or what I do best. But I feel like I’m never going to get
the opportunity to do what I want here.
Needless to say I’m feeling awful and low. And despite the
good things in my life right now, the bad stuff is getting in the way. When I
move forward in any direction, it feels like I can’t get beyond my obstacles.
And I’m hurting in so many ways. The love and support I have from my husband
isn’t helping right now. I do my best to put my “best face” on Facebook.
Posting pictures, and random positive stuff, because that’s what I think
Facebook should be about. But behind all of that and closed doors, there’s a
very damaged human being out there trying to get through a really rough
time. So I apologize if I’m not
there for you like a good friend should be if you’re going through something.
My struggles are suffocating me right now and I’m doing the best that I can to
just get out of bed and put one foot in front of the other in my life. All I
ask is that you just you keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I deal with